The Productive Not Busy Planner.


Unique Planning System.

  • Crack the organizing code and increase your productivity

  • Achieve your goals faster than ever before

  • Create more time to enjoy life

  • 5.5"x8.5" size to carry anywhere

  • 4 months worth of weekly and daily entries

  • Undated format

Helping you prioritize what’s important vs urgent.

Redefining your priorities to get it done.

  • If you’ve ever felt like you’re never able to get anything done and that it makes you feel stuck, this planner is definitely for you.

  • The Productive Not Busy Planner shows you how to crack the code to have your dreams come true + walks you through implementing the law of prioritizing and understanding the difference between what's important and what's urgent.

  • First, you'll organize your weekly to-dos in important vs urgent categories to stay focused on what matters.

  • Then you'll time block your day and allocate each to-do to a specific time frame to make sure it gets done.

Time blocking your day.

  • Our mission with the Productive Not Busy Planner is to organize your to-do list so you’re able to control it, instead of having it control you.

  • Thanks to this planner, your to-dos will no longer take over your life and you’ll be productive, not busy.

  • Time blocking is a planning technique that involves dividing up your day into blocks of time dedicated to specific activities. For example, you might block out an hour for checking and responding to email, two hours for working on a project, and so on. The key benefits of time blocking are that it can help you to use your time more efficiently and it can also help to reduce stress levels by providing structure to your day. Most successful people use time blocking in order to make the most of their time and stay productive. If you are looking to increase your productivity and reduce your stress levels, then time blocking is worth trying out.


2022/23 Calendars.

You need calendars when you plan. The Productive Not Busy Planner has calendars for 2022 and 2023. 

These calendars include full moons, new moons and dates for Mercury Retrogrades.


Project Timelines.

The Productive Not Busy Planner has pages dedicated to timelines to accomplish your projects. 

It also has note pages with space for ideas, good and bad, and your not-to-forget to-dos.


The Productive Not Busy Planner.

Finally, a planner that will help you increase your productivity while still enjoying your life!

This journal is specifically designed to help you find the right balance for you - you’ll get things done without sacrificing your well-being, and you’ll be able to enjoy life more while still crossing everything off your list. Don’t be busy, be productive!