The Newest Addition to Our Manifest Coloring Book Series:

“Manifest Jewelry in 50 Pages”

These aren't just coloring books, they’re magical portals to manifest love, to manifest jewelry, to manifest money, and to find and express self-love.

Within these pages you'll find a step by step manifesting process to attract anything you desire, while helping you clear your mind, focus your thoughts, and relax.


  • Quotes about self-love can be very helpful when you're feeling down about yourself or when you’re in need a little pick me up.

    It's easy to forget how incredible you are when you're stuck in a negative headspace, and that’s why reading positive affirmations can be so helpful to love yourself well.

  • The illustrations are detailed and intricate, providing ample opportunity to get lost in the act of coloring and forget about your troubles for a while.

    And the quotes range from inspiring and aspirational to humorous and comforting, offering just the right words of encouragement when you need them most.

    So whether you're looking for a fun activity or a way to remind yourself of your worth, this coloring book is a perfect choice!

  • Coloring helps to quiet racing thoughts and focus the mind. When you color in a coloring book, your brain goes into a theta state, which is a meditative state associated with deep relaxation, anxiety relief, and improved focus and concentration. When you are in a theta state, you are more receptive to positive affirmations.

    Repeating self-love quotes in a theta state can help to program your subconscious mind to love yourself, leading to improved self-confidence and motivation - combining self-love quotes with coloring is an excellent way to help rewire your brain to create more love, compassion and confidence towards yourself.


  • Within these pages you'll find a step by step manifesting process to attract the partner of your dreams and the relationship you desire, while helping you clear your mind, focus your thoughts, and relax.

    Whether you're looking for your soulmate or just wanting to improve your current relationship, this adult coloring book is a fun and easy way to manifest love.

  • Using this spiritual coloring book for adults is a very effective manifestation technique. The act of coloring will quiet your mind and simmer down the constant stream of thoughts, so you can enter a state of deep relaxation.

    In this meditative state, your mind is more open to receiving new ideas and inspiration, so you can manifest easily.

  • Item descriptionWhen you focus your attention on creating something visually pleasing, it sends out a signal of love and positivity into the Universe. And the Universe responds by sending more love and positivity back your way.

    Through these coloring pages, you’ll be able to visualize and feel your way towards your dream relationship!


  • In this adult coloring book, you'll find step-by step instructions on how you can attract money, wealth and success with ease while also clearing out any mental blocks that are holding you back from achieving what's yours in life - financial stability and abundance.

    Whether you're looking to improve your financial situation or manifest large sums of money, this coloring book is a fun and easy way to manifest money and abundance.

  • This adult coloring book is a great way to relax and zone out, and it puts you in the perfect state for manifesting.

    Using this spiritual coloring book for adults is a very effective manifestation technique as it facilitates clearing away mental clutter by focusing attention solely on one thing at once: coloring!

    It also has calming effects which make it easier than ever before possible enter deep relaxation mode.

  • Through these coloring pages, you’ll be able to visualize and feel your way towards a rich, fulfilling and abundant lifestyle.

    So get started manifesting the money you deserve!

You’re manifesting

  • Each coloring book has 52 single-sided unique coloring pages - every drawing has its own page

  • Black background - colors won't transfer from one page onto the next

  • Created by a certified Law of Attraction coach - specifically designed to help you manifest your desires

  • Large format - 8.5" x 11"

  • Available on Amazon